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Critics Of Christianity

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Lake Phalen Community Church
1717 English Street, Maplewood MN 55109

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Don Anderson
Reverend Don Anderson

Pastor Don has served as the director of Christ for People with Developmental Disabilities for the past 39 years. He loves encouraging individuals with disabilities in their Christian faith and bringing the joy of the Lord into the lives of those who have remained isolated from the local church community because of various handicapping conditions.

Dr Tal Davis

Tal Davis is the Executive Vice President of MarketFaith Ministries with a specialty in interfaith witness. He has extensive knowledge of and experience in training Christians regarding cults and non-Christian religions. Tal did his undergraduate work at Florida State University, received his M.Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and his D.Min. at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Tal has extensive ministry experience as a senior pastor, college instructor, and trainer. He served for 23 years with the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board specializing in training Christians in interfaith evangelism. Dr. Davis has been a contributing writer to several books including: Bridges and Shattering the Truth Mirage with Freddy Davis, Mormonism Unmasked with R. Phillip Roberts, and Faith Discipleship: FAITH Reaching Out to Cults. Additionally, he has written numerous articles and pamphlets on apologetics and interfaith evangelism. He lives with his wife Barbara in Flowery Branch, GA and has two sons, Joseph and Stephen, and two granddaughters.

"What’s the Latest with the Latter-day Saints?”
Over the past couple of decades the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormons) has made extensive efforts to gain broader acceptance into the mainstream of American Christian denominations. Granted the church has made some surface modifications. Nevertheless, questions still remain as to whether or not it basic beliefs have changed to any degree that it should be regarded as an authentic orthodox Christian denomination. We will explore those questions along with some recent allegations concerning the church’s multi-billion dollar secret investment foundation.

"New Light on the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Bible"
In 2013 the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses) released a newer revised version of its New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT). In this session we will examine this new version of the NWT, compare it to the previous edition of 1984, and show how it clearly distorts the Greek text to adhere to its unorthodox theology.

Dr Robert M Bowman Dr. Bowman is the Executive Director of the Institute for Religious Research (https://irr.org/). He is an evangelical Christian apologist, biblical scholar, author, editor, and lecturer. Bowman received the M.A. in Biblical Studies and Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary in 1981, did doctoral studies in Christian Apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary, and earned his Ph.D. in Biblical Studies in 2015 at the South African Theological Seminary. He is widely regarded as a leading evangelical scholar addressing the uses and interpretations of the Bible by such religious groups as Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. He has lectured on biblical studies, religion, and apologetics at Biola University, Cornerstone University, and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Rob is the author of over sixty articles and the author or co-author of fifteen books.

“Understanding and Defending the Deity of Christ?”
What it means to affirm Christ's "deity," including answers to the most common misunderstandings; where to find the most important biblical passages on the subject; and five key ways in which the New Testament reveals Christ to be God the Son incarnate.

“What Christians Need to Know about Unitarianism”
In recent years old-style Unitarianism, which denies the Trinity and the preexistence and deity of Christ, has been making a comeback thanks largely to the Internet. This presentation responds to the main arguments Unitarians use to defend this theology.

“Has the Bible Been Corrupted: Bart Ehrman and Religious Critics of the Bible”
This presentation critiques the appeals by Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, and others to agnostic New Testament textual scholar Bart Ehrman to support their view that the New Testament's text was altered so as to change its teachings.
Steve Lagoon
Steve Lagoon is the president of Religion Analysis Service, a countercult and Christian apologetics ministry based in Minnesota since 1946 and publisher of the quarterly journal The Discerner since 1947. Steve has a Master of Divinity degree from the University of Northwestern-St. Paul and is the author of several books, including his most recent Jehovah’s Witnesses Examined: A Biblical, Theological, and Historical Critique of the Watchtower Organization.

“How the Watchtower’s Michael-Jesus Doctrine Destroys the Resurrection”
Steve Lagoon will examine the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses related to the Watchtower’s claim that Jesus is Michael the Archangel. He will show that this teaching is not only unbiblical, but logically incoherent, and necessarily leads to a denial of the bodily of resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Adam Dommier
Adam Dommeyer received his B.S. in Pastoral Ministry from Lee University (Cleveland, TN) and is currently pursuing his M.A. in Practical Theology (Teaching Ministries concentration) from the Graduate School of Theology and Ministry at ORU (Tulsa, OK). He published his book Almost A Mormon: The Story of Why I Gave Up Joseph Smith and Gained Jesus Christ (WestBow Press, 2018) and has spoken on topics related to Mormonism at churches, conferences, and universities. Adam is licensed and ordained as an Evangelist through The River Revival Network and is a member of River Valley Church (Woodbury, MN). He is passionate about apologetics and helping men who have struggled in various areas. Adam is the father of 4 children (2 sons and 2 daughters) and resides in the Twin Cities, Minnesota.

“Mormonism’s Forever Families Versus Being a Child of God”
There is a great chasm between the theological beliefs and practices of Mormons (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and Christians in regard to the concept of family. In the day and age we live in, there is a lot of family strife, trauma, and brokenness. Given this, do the teachings of Mormonism hold up under biblical scrutiny? Adam's message dives deep into the concept of the temporal and eternal beliefs of the family system, and why having a proper perspective can help families who have been suffering under the weight of cultural and religious expectations. Adam will unpack the LDS concept of "Families Are Forever" and reveal what the Bible truly says about families and our relationship with God.
Robert Highley
Robert “Bob” Highley has been in ministry for 30+ years. He is currently the pastor of the Lake Phalen Community Church. He holds two Bachelor of Science degrees in both Bible and Social Science from what is now known as the University of Northwestern at St. Paul. He has done work at Bethel Seminary and he holds the MA degree from Trinity College of the Bible and seminary, located in Indiana. The degree he holds is Christian Philosophy and Apologetics. He enjoys teaching Theology, Apologetics and ministry related courses. He has developed his own premarital counseling workbook for those seeking to be married. And he enjoys watching just about anything Nebraska Cornhuskers.

“Apologetics: A World View Conflict”
In this discussion, we will define a world view and stress its place in every person’s life. We will set forth the Christian world view in contrast with other “worldly” world views. Lastly, we will set forth the Christian world view over against examples of world views rooted in unbelief.
Doug Steiner
Doug is a retired military officer with a Masters Degree in Theological Studies (emphasis Bible Exposition). He facilitates community Bible studies and witnesses to students and parents as a transportation driver in his local school district. One of his primary interests is New Testament Early Church ecclesiology, planting, and worship practices.

"Like Daniel in Babylon"
We live in an inflamed world. It seems many are determined to eliminate the Word of God and Biblical Christian Faith from societies, cultures, and nations. How do we cope with such a situation and still maintain our witness? As our closing speaker, Doug hopes to provide thoughts, suggestions, answers, and actions so we remain faithful just like Daniel in Babylon.
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